The Land
To provide our local food community with fresh and delicious food while regenerating the land.
Legacy Goal
To bring 1000 acres of the Butter Valley and its immediate surrounding agricultural region into regenerative agricultural management in order to preserve the long-term quality and viability of its community, ecological systems and, most importantly, its soil.

- The Team -
- The Team -

The Story
Since day one, Wild Fox Farm has been fueled by the intimate and relentless dedication of Ben and Karah Davies. With their 2012 purchase of 41 acres in Pennsylvania's Butter Valley, their vision to see the land enriched and productive
has led to continued expansion of Wild Fox Farm's product offerings, land management projects, conservation initiatives, industry leading products and new businesses. Many local chefs, foodies and families now rely on the farm for year-round sustenance and, as the land is
regenerated, so are the lives of the community that it supports. The farm team has grown and flourished as well adding skilled and dedicated farmers to the team every year. Wild Fox Farm now sells at the Emmaus Farmers Market, the Phoenixville Farmers Market, and the Rittenhouse Farmers Market, offers online ordering with curbside pickup daily, and ships hemp products produced on the farm nationally.
So, friends, every
day do something
that won’t compute.
-Wendell Berry From "Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front"

The Animals
Animals play an integral role in a holistic farm system. From rotating the animals on cover cropped vegetable fields, rotationally grazing pastures, recycling bedding as compost, food waste nutrient cycling, to the simple pleasure of grazing animals in the pasture, Wild Fox Farm would not be as viable economically or ecologically without such a diverse and integrated system.
Every animal at Wild Fox Farm has ample room to roam, forage, interact, bask in the sun and express their true nature. All the animals have access to fresh clean water. The cattle are 100% grass fed and the pigs eat organically grown grain. Managed in this dynamic way, these animals never need, nor receive, antibiotics or added hormones.